Dive into deeper aspects of your SpitFire Journey with these complimentary worksheets.

Getting Curious with Your Emotions

Work through the prompts to see what your feelings are trying to tell you

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Intention-Based Goal Setting for 2020

Pinpointing Workplace Stress

Operating Principles and Universal Rules

Getting to the Core of Your Frustration

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Go beyond the pages and expand your exploration of your inner SpitFire with these complimentary worksheets. Download, share and post any feedback or comments to

Your SpitFire Story

Everyone has a story, but not all of what we tell is our truth. This worksheet and video will help you break down and rewrite the assumed labels, roles and expectations that may be holding you back from your true SpitFire potential.

SpitFire Self-Assessment

Using the elements of The SpitFire Tetrahedron, this worksheet will help you analyze the areas in your motivation, passion and self-care that are propelling or weighing you down.

SpitFire Motivation

What inspires you and keeps you going? What drains you and stifles you? This worksheet will help you better understand your true motivations and energy sucks.

SpitFire Values

Who are you at your core? What drives your decisions and thinking? Your values are the compass that determine your thoughts, beliefs and actions. This worksheet will help you better understand the impact of those values on your growth and fear. Supplemental Values List

Self-Care Strategy

It’s the first thing to come off the list when things get busy and the most critical element to making your vision become a reality.

Intention-Based Goal-Setting

Set your intentions. What can you accomplish if nothing were to change? What would you be able to do if you applied 10-20% more effort? What if you were all in? This worksheet will help you understand what you need to break through the barriers and identify the areas you need support in.