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The Counter Resolution: Embracing What Already Works for You

At the end of the year, we put out a short newsletter about The Counter Resolution and got several requests to expand on the idea. So here you go!

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As we step into a new chapter, the air is rife with resolutions and promises of change. But here's a twist for you – instead of the traditional New Year's resolutions, let's talk about the Counter Resolution. It's about focusing on what's already ticking in your life, the small yet significant actions that are making a difference. It’s about doubling down on these actions.

Doubling Down: What Does It Mean?

Doubling down means taking something that's already working for you and amplifying it. For instance, taking a moment to breathe before diving into your digital world or stepping away from the screen when stress beckons. It's about recognizing those lunchtime walks or moments of gratitude that add a sparkle to your day. These are not just routines; they are your stepping stones to greater success and well-being.

The Power of Positive Focus

Statistics and studies have long shown the power of positive focus. A study by the University of California found that people who focused on positive experiences had greater life satisfaction and fewer health complaints. It's about creating an imprint of positivity in our lives.

How to Identify and Amplify What Works

  1. Recognition and Reflection: Start by recognizing what's working. Perhaps you've been more mindful of your health, or you've managed to balance work and personal life better. Acknowledge these changes, no matter how small.

  2. Document Your Successes: Writing down these positive aspects can be incredibly powerful. A Harvard Business Review study suggests that people who jot down their successes feel more confident and capable.

  3. Increase Intensity and Intention: Once you've identified what's working, think about how you can do more of it. If a short walk helps clear your mind, consider extending it. If expressing gratitude makes you happy, try doing it more often.

  4. Utilize the 90-Day Reflection Technique: Look back at the last 90 days and note your wins. What did you do to achieve them? Get detailed – the specifics will guide your path forward.

Case Studies: Doubling Down in Action

  • Corporate Success Story: A report by Deloitte highlighted a company that focused on their employees' strengths, leading to a 14% increase in productivity and a 20% increase in sales.

  • A Personal Growth Tale: Consider one of our clients, we’ll call her “Jane”. Jane is a marketing executive who decided to increase her morning meditation from 5 to 10 minutes. Not only did she report feeling more focused, but she also noticed a 30% rise in her work output.

Conclusion: Your Secret Magic Sauce

By doubling down on what's working, you're not just maintaining the status quo; you're elevating it. It's about harnessing your unique strengths and practices that contribute to your success. In a world fixated on fixing what's broken, let's shift our gaze to what's flourishing and make it thrive even more. Remember, it's the little things that often make the biggest difference. Here’s to making the most of what’s already making your life better!

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