Having Trouble Saying “No”? The Triple Ds Have Your Back

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If you’re feel like your calendar is congested or you can’t find time for yourself, try the three Ds when you’re asked to do something. Before saying yes, ask yourself…

#1: Is it Doable?


“I don’t think this in my wheelhouse.“

“It looks like my calendar is full.”

Yes.  (Ask yourself question #2)

#2: Is it Desirable?


“That sounds awesome. Let me check my schedule to see when I have time to get that done.”

No. (Go to question #3)

#3: Is it Delegatable?

No.  – If it’s something only you can do, where is the resistance coming from? Feel free to ask if you can get back to them so you can determine where the potential blocks are.

Yes. – Refer that business and build your referral business. “I know someone who would be awesome to help you with that.”


So, in actuality you’re not really saying “no.” By thinking through these questions, you can take the time to see if it works for you or if you’re the best fit for the job.