Within all of us is a Spitfire Leader. It’s what emerges when we are in and on purpose. How you show up is based on a number of factors and for the purpose of this assessment we’re looking at how you are activated (motivated) and how you express (show up), specifically if these happen inside or outside of us.
The four profiles below are there to get you started in your go-to Spitfire Archetype. The true magic of being a Spitfire Leader is being able to adjust in the moment by dialing up or back your expression and activation.
These profiles are meant to be dynamic just like you.
Join Us on July 26th at 7pm Eastern to Learn How to Activate and Enhance Your Spitfire Leader Archetype
About The 4 Archetypes
The Trailblazer
The Trailblazer gets activated from internal motivation, innovation, and values.
The Trailblazer expresses externally by speaking up and to others who share the same mission, vision, and values.
You’ll typically find them leading social movements or running shared activity groups.
Pros: High likelihood of sustained energy when driven by their internal mission.
Cons: Needs to be supported by others to maintain impact. Can take rejection personally.
The Super Hero
The Super Hero gets activated by observing and noticing injustices, wrongs, and problems to solve.
Expresses externally by swooping in and fixing, solving and speaking up for others.
Pros: Very visible and powerful. Clear on intention.
Cons: May be a lightning rod and unintended target for those that don’t see things the same way. May overstep where they are not needed.
The Tinkerer
The Tinkerer gets activated by an internal knowing. The head, heart, and gut work together in exploring intuitive hits, past experiences, and what’s most important in their core values. Tinkerers have strong introverted preferences and get recharged by spending time with themselves. The Tinkerer loves deep work.
The Tinkerer expresses internally, by making adjustments and improvements in mindset, processes, and future vision.
Pros: Extremely powerful. Gets noticed by others when they are in a state of flow.
Cons: May not be visible to those that are not tuned in or looking for the signs and signals.
The Systemizer
If there is a problem, The Systemizer will solve it. Working behind the scenes, The Systemizer is always observing and noticing gaps, breaks, and inefficiencies.
Not wanting to make a big stink, The Systemizer works independently to make the necessary changes and happily goes along their way to the next area needing help.
Pros: Loves deep work and gets energized by making things better.
Cons: May see things as problems needing to be fixed and can get frustrated if others aren’t on board. May not be getting the credit or acknowledgment they want. Can seem controlling to others.