Programs and Resources to Support You in Navigating Work-From-Home and Hybrid Environments
Building and Maintaining Trust-Based Remote Teams
Whether you find yourself in a remote situation by choice or necessity, necessity or chance, this eBook is here to help you navigate the unknowns, pitfalls and challenges of managing a team outside of an office.
Complimentary eBook: The 12 Keys to Build and Maintain Trust-Based Remote Teams
Routine Reset
It's safe to say that we are in different times, we're in unprecedented times, we're in weird times. Everything may look the same, but when we really look closer, everything is different. The way we work, the way we communicate, the way we get things done, it's all different.
Our routines are different. Our rituals are different. And that may be leading to us feeling more tired, more stressed out, and more burnt out. We may be adding to our stress by continuing to judge ourselves. But I want to give you this opportunity today for a little reset for routine reset. This isn't about giving yourself new goals.
This isn't about giving yourself new expectations. This is about acknowledging what used to work in the past what may be working now and combining those efforts to create a new Normal, a new way of being for you. It's also an opportunity for you to let go of the things that maybe weren't working for you before. And you can also let go, what's not working for you now. So there is a link for a worksheet called the routine reset.
Have You Hit The Wall? Here’s What You Can Do.
What do you do when you hit the dreaded ENERGY WALL?
Think you just need a day or two off and everything will be okay? Think again. Here’s what you need to do instead.
WHAT’s Your Productivity Potential?
You've got 20 hours in your work week outside of meetings, but how much time do you really have to be productive?
Inject some fun into your Zoom Calls with the Remote Worker Bingo Background.

Virtual Background Instructions for Zoom
1) Download your background of choice.
2) Start a Zoom Meeting
3) Next to Video icon on the bottom of the screen click the ^
4) Select “Choose Virtual Background”
5) Click the +
6) Select your image to upload. Then click your choice.
7) Make sure “Mirror my video” is unchecked.
The True Cost of Conflict Avoidance: How to Convert Difficult Conversations into Honest Conversations
(SpitFire Institute article)
According to employee-resource startup Bravely, 70% of employees are avoiding difficult conversations with their boss, colleagues and direct reports in the office. While this tip-toe strategy may provide temporary relief, it’s having huge emotional and financial impacts.
Achievement Planning: The Four Steps to Eliminate Excuses and Achieve Your Goals
(SpitFire Institute article)
Have you ever said any of these?
“I’m lazy.”
“I always get distracted.”
“Something always comes up and gets in my way.”
Here’s the truth…
You are not lazy, but you may be lacking clarity and passion.
You are not distracted, but things will always come up and distract you (56 times a day to be exact) and what you think is a goal may not that important to you.
You have been and can be successful, but you may be afraid of what’s on the other side of the story you’re telling yourself.
Finding Pockets of Opportunity During Times of Fear and Uncertainty
(Association Chat)
How to handle the stress of uncertainty and disrupted routines.