Workshops and Seminars
Workshops from The SpitFire Coach are geared to empower, engage and troubleshoot common issues in the workplace. From dynamic communication to the health and wellness, our workshops are designed to foster interaction, introspection and play. With fun and interaction at the core of every training, you and your colleagues are guaranteed to absorb more valuable content and lasting connections.
SpitFire Team Building
Half Day or Full-Day Available. Contact for custom build out.
“My team had the pleasure of working with Lauren on professional and personal development during the “SpitFire Team Building Workshop.” As a group we worked on defining our own personal values and passions, so that we are able to come together as a team and combine our strengths to best serve our patients. When we bring our most authentic and confident selves to the profession of dentistry (we are a team of kind, empathetic, and driven women), our patients will always win. I am so thankful for Lauren creating a space in which my team was able to stretch outside our comfort zone and start the process of shifting our mindsets to achieve greater abundance. I am thankful, proud, and inspired by my team’s commitment to the practice of growth. When it comes to achieving goals, all too often we create our own road blocks — allowing self-limiting beliefs prevent us from achieving true fulfillment. Today we all learned to help ourselves, each other, and our patients overcome the negative narratives in our heads.”
SpitFire Strategy Mapping
Available for one-one and teams up to 15
Spend half a day with The SpitFire Coach and map out your SpitFire strategy to support you and your team to:
Pinpoint your true passion(s) and purpose at work and beyond
Understand what ignites you and what snuffs out your fire
Clarify your goals and intentions
Visualize where you want to go.
Define specific, measurable outcomes you want to achieve.
Build your action plan.
Assess the true value and payoff based on the effort and impact for you financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Time Commitment: 3-4 hours
Core Energy Leadership: The 7 Levels
What if you could understand your coworkers, vendors and leaders better? What if you could communicate clearer, be less stressed and have more influence at home and work? This one-hour workshop will provide an overview for each of the seven levels and how the interrelate with other levels and show up in real world scenarios. When we can expand our perspective, we can meet people where they are.
“Lauren has a rare gift for understanding her audience and adjusting her content so that each attendee leaves inspired and empowered to reach their goals. Lauren headlined a Get To Your Goals workshop for me at a women’s networking group where she ran a visualization exercise, walked attendees through a goal setting worksheet, then engaged them in a group discussion what drew out their true goals and potential blocks. Everyone left energized and focused. Our attendees all sang The SpitFire Coach’s praises. Lauren was thoughtful, energizing, and took the time to get to know our attendees. I can’t wait to work with her again.”
"What's Your Type? Decoding Your MBTI Personality Type"
MBTI Certified Practitioner, Lauren LeMunyan navigates your team through the alphabet soup of the Extrovert \ Introvert; Sensing \ iNuitive; Thinking \ Feeling; and Judging \ Perceiving dichotomies and leverages the differences of individual’s types to identify personal and combined strengths.
Suggested time: 2 - 6 hours
Dynamic Communication
The following topics are available as stand-alone 90-minute to half day workshops to help you develop and grow as your ideal communicator image.
Developing and Communicating Your Core Message
Managing Internal Dialogue
Harnessing the Power of Effective Listening
Power in Silence
Integrating Anabolic Language
Delivering Your Message
Writing to Inspire Action
Communicating Difficult Messages
Creating Winning Conversations
Mastering the Feedback Loop
Leading Powerful and Purposeful Meetings
Presenting to Groups
Energy Leadership™ Energetic Sales Cycle
The sales process is dynamic and, sometimes, unpredictable – except to those sales leaders who have mastered a unique process called the Energetic Sales Cycle. This seven step cycle enables you to effortlessly capture the attention of prospects and customers, create dynamic conversations about goals, needs, and solutions, and engage potential customers in a successful relationship with you. In other words, you will sell more with less effort and stress!
Individual Workshop Topics Include:
Being Your Ideal Sales Leader Image
Selling Yourself
Defining Your Vision of Success
What’s Preventing Your Success?
Attracting Your Ideal Leads and Prospects
Don’t Sell, Coach!
The Energetic Sales Process
When Is it Time to Let It Go?
Energy Sales Tools
Keeping the Momentum Going
Problem Solving and Conflict Management™
Whether you view problems and conflicts as something to be fixed or as opportunities to experience and to stimulate growth, this coaching program will help you take the stress, frustration, guesswork, and rework out of problem solving and conflict management.
What’s Your Problem?
Do You Really Have a Problem?
Taming the flight, fight, fright instincts
Standing Up for Yourself
Picking Your Battles
What’s the real issue?
Getting to Yes
Taking Another Look
Agreeing to Disagree
Understanding the Real Problem
Solving Problems Before They Happen
Making Intentional Waves
Energy Leadership™ Time Management/Balance
Are you at the mercy of time or do you make time work for you? If time seems like an enemy of yours or if you feel that you fall victim to time, then the Energy Leadership Time Management and Life Balance program is for you. Even if you are a successful time manager, this program can shift your energy even higher by making you a master of time rather than a slave to it!
De-stressing about not having enough time to get it all done
Decluttering your office and your mind
Eliminating time (and energy) wasters and dealing with the voice of perfection
Becoming proficient in managing projects and tasks
Recognizing your non-negotiables and staying committed to them in the face of the never ending task list
Dealing with procrastination
Delegating effectively
Developing your customized systems for time management
Saying “no” and setting boundaries
Looking at the big picture to achieve your desired work/life balance
Identifying the triggers that pull you off course and setting the support and accountability to keep you on track
Creating your clear vision for today and the future
High Energy Relationships™
Relationships are wonderful gifts in our lives. Or are they? For you, are they blessings or a curse? Whatever your perspective, there is no doubt that our lives are filled and will always be filled with relationships. And our success in life and at work is dependent upon how well we lead the energy of our relationships and how skilled we are in having relationship energy work for us rather than against us. Learning how to build high-energy relationships and to successfully lead others in this aspect of your professional and personal lives will reduce stress and burden, free you to get more done through relationships with others (and with yourself), and enable you to create a high performance organization that realizes its potential and sustains its level of excellence.
Creating Your Ideal Relationship
Developing a High Energy Relationship
Resolving Conflict in Relationships
Relationship Cycle of Change
Shifting a Relationship’s Focus
Creating Powerful Working Relationships
Creating Powerful Team Relationships within Your Organization
Nurturing the “other” important relationships in your work (and in your life)
Being a Relationship Magnet
Fostering and nurturing successful family relationships
Creating new relationships in your career and in your life
Developing supportive social relationships
Health and Wellness™
“Our human bodies are miracles, not because they defy laws of nature but precisely because they obey them.” – Harold S. Kushner Our bodies are powerful partners in our lives. They react naturally and truthfully to how we think, how we move, what we process emotionally, what we eat, and even how we view them. If we are stressed, our bodies respond with tight muscles or headaches. If we eat too much or eat unhealthy foods, our bodies add fat and change their metabolism. If we cease our exercise programs, our bodies lose muscle and stamina. Think how powerfully we could live our lives if we simply listened to our bodies’ reactions to our lifestyles and choices in life. Our minds may tell us stories, but our bodies never lie! If we want to know “how life is going,” all we need to do is check in with our bodies and our physical energy to get our answer. But yet, so many of us ignore the well being of our bodies. Even though many of us have goals to lose weight, eat right, and exercise, we often postpone these goals and hope that someday we will have the time to take care of our bodies and ourselves.
That someday has arrived!!! Become a powerful leader in your own health and wellness. Reduce stress, boost your confidence and energy, and develop a sense of inner peace and calm – these are the benefits of the Energy Leadership TM Health and Wellness Coaching Program.
Trademarked content is from the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching.