Assessments and Processes
Get in the Driver’s Seat of Your Life!
Listed as one of “11 Assessments Every Executive Should Take” - Forbes
Energy Leadership™ is the process that develops a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes not only yourself, but also those with whom you work and live.
The Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables you to hold up a mirror to your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and overall leadership capabilities. The ELI gives you a baseline for your current level of awareness and performance. You will progress through a debriefing and orientation process that enables you to plan your customized developmental road map.
This is an attitudinal assessment. Unlike the personality indicators, the ELI provides a current snapshot of your leadership position and potential stress reactions. Where your personality type is not expected to change, your attitude is constantly shifting. This assessment works to create a road map to increase awareness to internal blocks and increase your leadership influence while decreasing the intensity of your stress reactions.
The ELI is centered around seven levels of leadership and stress energy. Your results will indicate a percentage of how they appear as well as your primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
This assessment is extremely insightful and effective for individuals as well as groups.
The SpitFire Coach holds the Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner credential.
Please allow for at least 48 hours following completion to schedule your ELI assessment debrief.
Read more on the Energy Leadership Index Assessment here.
ELI Assessment Includes a 10-page Report and Recorded 75-Minute Phone Debrief.
Energy Leadership Index 360 (ELI 360)
The ELI 360 assessment includes the one (1) online ELI self-assessment plus the ability to to have up to 25 individual raters take the assessment on your behalf, providing you with a fully rounded picture of your energetic profile as you see it and as others see it.
The ELI 360 includes a personalized report consolidating all results, and a debrief (60-75-minutes) to understand how to interpret your results and evaluate what you'd like to do with them. The debrief will also uncover potential areas for 1:1 coaching to resolve your blocks to success.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Step I & II)
Lauren LeMunyan Coaching is a certified practitioner of MBTI® - Step I & Step II (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step I and II) and The Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI). In order to expand the tool kit of client offerings, we can offer both a personality and attitudinal assessment for our clients. If you have your MBTI results, the ELI compliments those results nicely.
All assessment pricing includes a custom report and one hour debrief. For group assessments, please review our information on workshops and training or contact us for a custom quote.
Please allow up to two business days for specific assessment instructions following your purchase.
MBTI® - Step I & Step II (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
This is a personality indicator commonly used among most corporations around the world. With this assessment, you will be able to determine your 4-letter personality type, understand the strengths and potential blinds spots associated, and apply your new knowledge to team building, conflict resolution, and much more.
The MBTI Step I framework looks at four areas that determine individual Type. The four areas are:
Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I)
Where you prefer to get or focus your energySensing (S) – iNtuition (N)
The kind of information you prefer to gather and trustThinking (T) – Feeling (F)
The process you prefer to use in coming to decisionsJudging (J) – Perceiving (P)
How you prefer to deal with the world around you
How it works: an individual completes the MBTI Step I questionnaire, which covers all of the areas mentioned above. Their answers, along with a feedback session from a qualified practitioner, help the individual to arrive at a four-letter MBTI personality Type – ESTP, for example. Due to the combinations available, there are 16 MBTI personality types in total.
MBTI Step I Fee: $99
MBTI Step II is a Myers-Briggs questionnaire that hits at the heart of who someone is by tapping into the facets within each Step I Type preference. It can help you to understand the DNA of an individual’s personality, revealing what makes them different to others of the same Step I Type, and similar to those with a different MBTI Type. The result is a highly personalized profile and development plan that is perfect for coaching, action planning and building cohesive teams. Each participant will receive a custom 18-page report based on their unique assessment.
MBTI Step II Fee: $149
The SpitFire Coach holds the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Certified Practitioner credential.
Please allow for 24 hours to schedule your debrief following completion.
Release Resentments Process
The SpitFire Coach is a certified practitioner of Release Resentments
If you’re like most people, you may think that annoyances and frustrations are just part of working in an office or being in a relationship. From gossip at the water cooler to eye rolls in the board room, resentments can pop up anywhere. But what if they you had a way to release them instead of letting it ruin your day.
The Release Resentment Process is a multi-step ICF-approved method to acknowledge, address, reframe and release the weight, meaning and impact of certain people and situations in your life.