Do I Need a Business Coach?

Answer "Yes" or "No" to the below statements.

  1. I have great ideas, but get stuck when I try to make it happen.
  2. My website doesn’t reflect who I am or what my business does.
  3. I try to stay current on marketing trends, but don’t know which to do first.
  4. I love what I do, but feel like I struggle trying to explain it to others.
  5. My sales are not where I want them to be.
  6. I worry about where I'll be in the future.
  7. I don’t really know who my ideal client is.
  8. If I could get more organized and focused, my business would take off.
  9. I’m a first-time business owner and a lot of this stuff I’m “supposed to do” seems over my head.
  10. A lot of people give me advice, but it doesn’t help and actually confuses and frustrates me more.
  11. I feel responsible to make this business work, but I’m not the best at asking for help.
  12. I work best when I can bounce ideas around and build a plan with someone.

If you answered yes to any of these statements,  I would love to talk to youabout what business coaching could do for you.

These were all real statements and scenarios from my clients. They felt overwhelmed by the decisions, technology, paperwork and day-to-day operations of their business. They knew they were capable of doing more and trusted me as their coach to take them there.