Episode 186: Flexing Your Truscles
If we want to build up our biceps and get stronger, we knew that a few reps won't turn us into a body builder. Yet, when we think of building trust, we expect it to just appear with the other person. Imagine if we treated our truscles (trust muscles) like our physical muscles.
If we want to build up our biceps and get stronger, we knew that a few reps won't turn us into a body builder. Yet, when we think of building trust, we expect it to just appear with the other person. Imagine if we treated our truscles (trust muscles) like our physical muscles.
In today's episode, Lauren breaks down what's really needed to build and maintain boundaries and foster healthy relationships.
Referenced book: Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glober Tawwab
Lauren's Website: www.spitfirecoach.com
More Resources on Trust; www.trustmuscle.com
Merch: www.spitfirecoach.com/merch
About Lauren LeMunyan, CEO, Spitfire Coach
As the Founder and CEO of Spitfire Coach, an adaptive leadership development firm, Lauren has guided thousands of individuals and organizations toward transformative growth and success. Her impact as Executive Director of three global trade associations showcased her strategic vision and effective decision-making. Lauren is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) and serves as the Innovative Mindset facilitator for Capital One's Catapult program, where she fosters innovation and change in diverse-owned business owners. Through her books, podcast and YouTube channel, she shares invaluable insights and practical tools, inspiring overloaded professionals to achieve life-changing results.
Episode 170: The Impact of VUCA and BANI on Employees
If you've never heard of VUCA and BANI, you need to listen to today's episode. Hear a recent talk Lauren gave in New Jersey to a group of Supply Management Professionals on the impacts of today's workforce and how leaders can build trust with these new awareness points.
If you've never heard of VUCA and BANI, you need to listen to today's episode. Hear a recent talk Lauren gave in New Jersey to a group of Supply Management Professionals on the impacts of today's workforce and how leaders can build trust with these new awareness points.
Episode 161: It's Time to Tell the Whole Truth
Are you ready to tell the truth about yourself?
It's time to let go of the qualifying language, the minimizing lens, and the lies from past stories.
Imagine seeing yourself for who you actually are. In today's show, I'm sharing insights from a recent conference and coaching sessions on the theme.
Can you handle the truth?
Are you ready to tell the truth about yourself?
It's time to let go of the qualifying language, the minimizing lens, and the lies from past stories.
Imagine seeing yourself for who you actually are. In today's show, I'm sharing insights from a recent conference and coaching sessions on the theme.
Can you handle the truth?
Episode 159: Audacious Confidence with Alicia Couri
Have you ever thought to yourself, "If only I could do that", "If only I were brave enough", "If only I had the courage to try that"?
You're not alone.
So how did Alicia Couri go from behind the scenes to front and center?
Have you ever thought to yourself, "If only I could do that", "If only I were brave enough", "If only I had the courage to try that"?
You're not alone.
So how did Alicia Couri go from behind the scenes to front and center?
In today's episode, we're exploring where the quantum leaps and shifts happened to rediscover that audacious inner Spitfire that needed to come out and what you can do to activate yours.
About Alicia Couri
As the Audacious Confidence™ Growth Expert and Legacy Queen elect for Woman of Achievement, Alicia Couri, knows what it is like to hide in the shadows, struggling with low self-worth. She now strives to Influence, Educate, Inspire, and Entertain audiences to encourage them to step boldly in the direction of their dreams and achieve what is possible despite their feelings, fears or past failures. She is the founder of Alicia Couri Inc.; a boutique consulting firm specializing in the development of Audaciously Proactive leaders & teams using brain science and people data to get results, AC Beauty; onsite professional MUAH services & the RedCarpetCEO™; a digital media company. Alicia is an Author of multiple books, a Speaker, Actor, Beauty Professional, and coaches leaders to show up more powerfully with strong Executive Presence. She Executive Produces and Hosts the Nationally Syndicated Podcast – “Leading with Audacious Confidence™”, and 3 Web/tv shows – “Small Business Saturday Shout-Out”, “Love My Body, Love Myself” & “Unleash Your Audacious Confidence™” on Win Win Women TV Network. She is on the Advisory Board of Keiser University, A Faculty Member of BoldHaus - an INC. 5000 company, and the Marketing Chairperson of the Black Owned Media Alliance (BOMA).
@AudaciousConfidence (IG)
@TheRedCarpetCEO (Twitter)
Episode 158: How to Shift out of a Hunger Games Mindset in Small Business with Andrea Lyons
Andrea Lyons of All About Presentation joins us for an honest discussion about the mindset that not only allowed her company to survive the pandemic but thrive and grow. Now looking forward, Andrea explores what it's going to take to shift her company and her team to the next level.
Andrea Lyon’s company, All About Presentation, didn’t just survive the pandemic, it flourished! With a dominantly in-person business, Andrea and her team needed to shift, pivot, and do whatever they needed to keep the lights on.
Now two years later, she is in a place to zoom out and see what might be holding her back in getting to the next level of her business.
What happens when we're in survival for so long?
How do we get addicted to stress?
And how do we break that addiction to get to where we want to go next?
Andrea Lyons of All About Presentation joins us for an honest discussion about the mindset that not only allowed her company to survive the pandemic but thrive and grow. Now looking forward, Andrea explores what it's going to take to shift her company and her team to the next level.
About Andrea Lyons
Andréa Lyons is the CEO and Executive Producer at All About Presentation, an international woman and minority-owned live and virtual event strategy and management company. Since 2007, All About Presentation has produced over 1500 events, designed the event experience for over 350,000 event attendees, and managed over 75 million dollars of event spend for clients that represent a variety of industries from banking to government and criss-cross the globe from Rhode Island to South Korea. Andréa leverages her understanding of brands, and the consumers of those brands, to design live meetings and online virtual events that support a brand and its image.
Andréa received a bachelor's degree at Central Michigan University, executive education at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and the University of Richmond, a certificate in event planning from the University of Virginia, and is currently completing a certificate in Film and Television from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. It’s no surprise that Andréa has mastered the art of understanding how to create events that stir emotion and guide attendees to positive change.
Her favorite hobbies are fine dining and making money. She is forever a sorority girl, life-long student, aviation enthusiast, and wannabe Chopped champion.
Andréa has been featured in Wall Street Journal publications, Virginia Lawyers Weekly, Richmond Times-Dispatch, SheKnows.com, and a host of other websites and blogs.
One of the coolest days she’s ever had is when she got a notification that Barack Obama started following her on Twitter.
Episode 153: The Painful Truth with Dr. Stacy
Need a reset before the new year?
Before you start writing out your goals and resolutions, take a listen to today's episode with Dr. Stacy Mobley and hear what you really should be focusing on as you move forward.
Need a reset before the new year?
Before you start writing out your goals and resolutions, take a listen to today's episode with Dr. Stacy Mobley and hear what you really should be focusing on as you move forward.
Episode 152: Relaunching from a Performance Improvement Plan
In today's episode, hear about how a client went from being in fear of losing their job to exceeding expectations and propelling a project forward in just four weeks.
Lauren shares the keys to unlocking confidence at work even when you're under an HR microscope.
Episode 149: The Magical Joy of Poo
We're talking about poop because poo happens to everyone in life. And when we can acknowledge it, it allows us to have a less stressed environment and day and handle those conflict and friction situations. Now, poo at its form at the purest form is a waste product. It's a waste byproduct. It's the things that don't work for us, that compound in our, you know, intestines and our colon, and you know all that stuff. So I don't need to give you the biology lesson. But I want to use it more as a metaphor because it can help you offload that stress in dealing with things that don't go away and dealing with uncertainty.
Today we are talking about a very serious topic, one that happens to all of us. That's right, today we are talking about poop.
We're talking about poop because poo happens to everyone in life. And when we can acknowledge it, it allows us to have a less stressed environment and day and it allows us to handle conflict and high friction situations.
Now, poo at its form at the purest form is a waste product. It's a waste byproduct. It's the things that don't work for us, that compound in our intestines and our colon.
I don't need to give you the biology lesson, but I want to use it more as a metaphor because it can help you offload that stress in dealing with things that don't go away and when dealing with uncertainty and to give you a little more joy and levity.
I shared this with my client and I think I might have mentioned this in past episodes. My client was bound very tightly and he used to get very set off in traffic situations. If someone didn't use a turn signal, if someone cut him off, if someone was driving too slow in the left lane, he would be so frustrated.
I said to him, “Well, I want you to imagine that the other person has to poop really bad, really bad. And that is the reason why they're driving so erratically.”
He stopped in his tracks and started laughing. The mere thought of someone having to rush to the bathroom was more than he could deal with.
In this instance we created a shared human experience. So whether or not the story is true doesn't really matter; what mattered was his energy was preserved.
You don't have to get into the other person's story to make up your own one that works for you. Imagine the other person doing the behavior you don't deem appropriate or creating conflict and inconvenience and add a poop element.
If someone is doing being inconsiderate and they cut in front of someone in the grocery store line, imagine saying to yourself (don't do this out loud)
Wow, that person really has to poop. And that's why you need to go in front of me.”
This allows you to not take it personally.
It allows you to have a little fun with it. Now, imagine that you've had a not so great encounter. This is the next evolution of thinking someone has to poop.
I want you to imagine that you are a monkey in the wild and someone has really irked you. I want you to imagine that you are the monkey, and you are throwing your poo at the other person.
What does that feel like?
Now don't actually throw poop because you can get into a lot of trouble, and it's really gross. But the visual of you just like I'm gonna throw my poo at you, it's funny, right?
I mean, poo is just one of these things that it's fun to say. It makes your face contort, and it's really funny. And it allows you to feel like your animalistic self.
You're defending yourself with the only thing you know how to do: grabbing your poo and shoving it in their face or throwing it at them. You know, you got to do what works. Otherwise, you can be in your own shit.
You are literally creating your own shit by not having a way to offload this frustration, this friction. So the way to offload that emotional byproduct is to actually have a process and a system to use it.
Where are you going to put it? Do you want to put it over there? Cool. Do you want to flush it down? Awesome. You want to throw it at somebody? That's up to you.
So poo is your friend. We can love poo. Oh poo, I love Pooh bear. Oh, wait, is Pooh bear Winnie the Pooh? Is he really about poop? Oh no. It just totally blew my mind.
Anyway, I want you to think about where you can add in these little comedic reminders as you're dealing with high-stress or frustrating situations where you typically lose your cool or feel annoyed at everyday life.
Where can you incorporate little Pooh sayings? It's like little turds. Oh my god, I can't believe I'm talking about this on a podcast. But this is great.
So, where can you drop some potty wisdom and comedy to lighten your day? So someone is bugging you? Where can you incorporate a little poo reference?
See how that goes. I swear I know that sounds ridiculous. But I promise you it works. I've heard from multiple clients actually just talked about it on a client session about stepping in poo being filled with poo. Being backed up with poo, smearing it, and throwing it wrong like inner five roads.
You ever noticed that kids like you know when you're toddlers, you realize the power of poo and like they wipe it on the walls? There is power, so use it. I mean, don't actually use it. Use the figurative poo. Be like Winnie the Pooh and share the joy of poo.
I hope this was helpful, if not a little ridiculous, and maybe it made you giggle a little bit.